RaMa Holistic Care
Heal Yourself, Heal Your Life, & Serve Others
"Healing yourself is connected with healing others."
- Yoko Ono
About RaMa
Everyone is healing something. There is no person or situation that expresses perfection on this sacred planet. As long as we are human and living on the Earth, we have something to learn or to heal. RaMa Holistic Care was born out of a burning desire for harmony. We create balance in our lives when we are able to embrace both the Light and the Dark within us and all life. It is when we expect something from someone that they are incapable of doing or being, or when we attach ourselves so deeply to this material world and how we think things should be, that we create dis-harmony. Through the process of becoming aware of our thoughts and feelings, conscious about the words we choose to speak, attitudes we wish to hold, and the behaviors we choose to express, that we can start to heal ourselves and our lives. Once we heal ourselves, it is our purpose to help others to find their own Golden Key to self-healing. It is all inside of us, and it is a blessing to uncover our own Truth and share that with those searching for theirs. Are you ready to awaken to your Truth?

Our Mission
Our purpose is to help to foster a connection and cultivate a sensitivity to nature, the Earth, and the living beings that are on this planet serving humanity with oxygen, food, clothing, shelter, and Love.
We hope to bring awareness and accountability to our ability to both heal and harm ourselves through the way that we think, feel, speak, act, and behave.
We use tools such as the Laws of Nature and the planetary influences, karmic influences, and unseen forces that support healing on all levels through awareness and understanding both our ourselves and the Universe.
Education is the key to understanding. We share the teachings of the natural world through plant medicine. We teach the healing benefits of many different seeds, roots, branches, bark, resins, fruits, grasses, trees, and shrubs from all over the world, and how to utilize this powerful energy to support healing on all levels of the being.
We also facilitate self-healing through physical and energetic healing work such as Massage Therapy and Bio-Metaphysical Energy Work.