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Essential Oil Gift Set To Support 2024


This Gift Set Has 15ml Bottles Of Each of the Following:

January - Hyssop 

February - White Mugwort 

March - Rhododendron 

April - Rose Geranium 

May - Greek Sage 

June - Rosewood Leaf 

July - Laurel Leaf 

August - Juniper Berry 

September - White Sage  

October - Green Cardamom Seed 

November - Blue Yarrow 

December - Carrot Seed Oil 


Along with our workshop on the 1st 12 Days of the Year, we share how each month has a frequency and life teaching based on the numerology, planetary astrology, and archetypical wisdom.  Based on this wisdom, we put together an essential oil gift set that serves as healing support during 2024.  We have hand-picked these specifically for their energetic and physical properties, and their alignment to the frequencies present in each month.  We hope that they help to bless you and your life in the New Year!


Regularly $513

All Gift Sets are Discounted 10% From the Original Total

1st 12 Days of 2024 Essence Gift Set



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