When we find ourselves in the middle of a major life transformation, it is not the time when we confidently have all of the answers on how to move forward. As a matter of fact, it is just the opposite. We oftentimes feel lost, hopeless, and afraid. There are no warning signs that tell us what we are about to face, but the Universe tests us and pushes us to see if we are ready to grow. No human can escape the life lessons that we all have signed up to endure. We are here to grow toward the Light that created us. Whatever circumstances are in front of us, we are able to rise above the storm to receive the gift of wisdom that is available to each of us in every challenge we experience.
Our current reality is the result of the thoughts, feelings, prayers, and intentions of the past. Therefore, if we want to create a change in what we are experiencing in the present, we simply have to shift the way we think and feel by changing our focus, intentions, and direction of our energies. Seeing the solution to a problem, a prayer answered, or a complete shift for the better, and holding an emotional frequency of gratitude, blessings, and goodness, can help to transmute a situation that is perceived to be blocked or negative into one that has hope for a better future. It's easy to fall into a doom and gloom mental state of consciousness. There is enough to watch and listen to in the world to bring us down to the ground. However, the opposite is also true. There are just as many, if not more, amazing stories, inspiring actions, miraculous experiences, and expansive ways of seeing the same thing that someone else would perceive as terrible. That is the power of the mind, and the seeds of our inner visions.
"The seen exists in the unseen", therefore, in order to manifest something in the seen world, we have to first create it in the unseen world. This is why having a vision is so vitally important. To succeed at anything we set out to achieve, we have to hold a vision of our goals. Our visions are the seeds to the trees of our personal creations. Without having a vision first, we have no direction to go, and this results in failure time and time again. Not only are visions powerful in manifestation, higher visions create higher realities.
What does it mean to live in a "higher reality"? One of our clients has taught us this lesson again in a deep and powerful way. Receiving a diagnosis that could be perceived as fatal and hopeless, this inspiring being made the choice to focus on gratitude, the blessings that they have in their life, and on perfect health, harmony, and inner peace. Waking up every morning with meditation, exercise, healthy food, and prayers of thankfulness, and filling every moment with positivity and hope, they have transmuted a painful experience into an opportunity to shift into a "higher reality".
The moment is the only thing guaranteed to any of us. We could be taken out of our lives at any point of this journey, so why wouldn't we choose to live in a positive way? Life is about the quality of our trek here on planet Earth, and our attitude is a very small thing that makes a very large impact. Choosing a "higher reality" is making the choice to veer toward the positive when there is a fork in the road. It is a simple choice we make in each moment to see the very best and highest outcome of our current reality. Since we are the ones who create our life experiences in the mental world of our thoughts, we get to choose the thoughts we accept as our personal realities. The more we choose a higher road, the more it chooses us. Positivity is contagious, and higher visions can be shared by the collective and strengthened by numbers. Hold that higher vision, choose a "higher reality", and let's all uplift one another through the end of this Kali Yuga cycle of darkness. We chose to be here now, so let's make the best of every moment of this sacred life. We can rise above our challenges alone with a strong and powerful vision, and together we can soar into our collective destiny of health, happiness, and prosperity.