Do we really only have this one life, or do we have many lives within this physical incarnation? Looking back, we can see that we were entirely different people way back then, than we are today. If we truly only had this "one shot", then that would mean that we weren't able to evolve and grow into a different version of who we are. Luckily, it isn't true for any living being on this planet. We all go through cycles. Trees and animals shed, the seasons change, and even water moves from ice to steam, depending on the weather. Each of us changes perspectives when we have had certain life experiences. We can become entirely different people after a transformational time. This is part of a basic principle in science called the "Law of Conservation of Mass". Newton stated that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. Even beyond our physical death, the soul will remain the same as the body transforms into something new. The oxygen we breathe in is created from the recycling of what is released from another form of life. The dirt that our food grows from is made from the dead parts of other living beings. Nature itself shows us how beneficial both life and death are to the vital cycles of life that help us all thrive on this planet together.
Emotionally, we grow out of our challenges. Just like a ceramic vase that is dropped onto the floor can be glued back together as one, we can become whole again after great transformation, but we will have an outlook that is a little different, and we may have scars to show the challenges we went through. Out of our brokenness comes our wholeness, but we have to be willing to look at both ourselves and the outer lessons and messages we are receiving in order to truly grow and evolve. We have to be willing to address the parts of who we are that are broken, and we have to walk through our own fire. Just like going to school and sacrificing time, energy, and money to learn and grow, our experiences of suffering and pain are what offer the best soil for the fruits of our lives to grow out of. The inner world of processing and internalizing our experiences is what allows our outer lives to reflect our evolution. Life starts to respond to us differently and we attract more truth, more authenticity, and a greater sense of who we really are. The gift of the sacrifice of who we used to be is the person that we become.
As within, so is without. We see this same process of evolution in our world. The shadow side of our society starts to become louder and brighter for us to see and hear until it becomes part of our awareness. Just like a cancerous tumor, it grows and becomes more invasive and intolerable. From awareness comes the ability to heal and become whole again. Whatever the darkness strips away, the Light can restore even stronger and better than ever. Sometimes the best way to improve as a society is to completely fail first. We learn from our failures and grow out of our mistakes so that we understand that there is no such thing as failure or mistakes, but only a destiny unfolding in front of our eyes. From the darkest times come the most growth and the greatest evolution.
If you feel dark or hopeless in life right now, it is a wonderful sign that change is in the air and things have the ability to completely transform. Allowing the death of the old, paves the way for the birth of the new. Whether it be in relationship, career, family, health, politics, or other, let go of the attachments of what is thought of as "right", "wrong", or "the way things should be". Sometimes the wrong path leads to a better way. Sometimes the right thing to do is completely wrong. And other times, the way things should be are actually not that way at all. Let go, let in the good, and let life unfold. Our faith and trust in the process is what can help to manifest the most magic.