The beginning of a new year always takes us through deep reflection and contemplation of the past. We look back at the former year and see what we did that worked and what we learned from the most. Hopefully, this sparks us to make positive changes for the years to come. The first month of the year highlights "The Magician" archetype, and our ability to harness the tools we have been given to manifest an empowering and magical life experience. It is fueled by the Light of the Sun, and illuminates everything we do and everything that manifests around us. It is meant to be healing and attract our good when we have become open to receiving. We are the bridges between the heavens and the Earth, and by being our authentic and unfiltered selves, we are helping to contribute our energies to the collective consciousness.
This is the 18th year of our RaMa Holistic Care newsletter, and we have learned how empowering it is to discuss different opinions and perspectives. Our newsletters have been created by our personal experiences, feelings, and opinions toward any given topic. We don't expect everyone to agree with us, and we are grateful for the amazing conversations we have had with our readers over the years based on what we have written week after week.
We are only able to share our opinions because of our constitutional rights. The first amendment of the US Constitution was added to the Bill of Rights in 1791 in order to protect American civil liberties in our country. Unless our words are used for violence or to maliciously sabotage someone else, we are free to speak our truths. Most importantly, we are all free to have our own opinions. We see this on social media, in our politics, at work, in our various relationships, and at our religious or spiritual institutions. We all have very different perceptions of the same thing. There is nothing illegal or wrong with both having an opinion or perspective, and then sharing that opinion or perspective - even if no one agrees with you. The first amendment includes the Freedom of Speech to express ourselves in words and writings, the Freedom of Religion to practice what we believe in freely, the Freedom of Press to report and publish information, thoughts, and opinions without censorship, the Freedom of Assembly to peacefully gather together for any reason at all, and the Right to Petition to ask the government to address our grievances. The best advice for someone who doesn't like what another person is saying or writing is to walk away and don't listen to it or read it. That is our suggestion to those who don't agree with or cannot tolerate our opinions, perspectives, words, ideas, or shared information. Remember that what you focus on grows, and it is best to focus on what you Love the most and let the rest of it go. Life is too short to try and change people or chase after anyone in order to make them see the world through your eyes. Speak your Truth, live your Truth, and avoid personally criticizing others. Your experiences matter, and there are people who can benefit from you sharing your story with the world. May 2025 open your heart, your mind, and your voice to share your personal experiences with the world in order to bring healing, awareness, compassion, and understanding.
We are excited for this new year and all of the beautiful opportunities to share how we feel, what we have learned, and the perspectives that we hold after years of our living experiences. Our personal truths are what set us free and offer us the wings we use each day to soar higher and higher into our destinies. Thank you for your continued support, for sharing your truths with us "off the page", and for the Love you give to us randomly throughout the year. You know who you are! Many blessings for a magical, blessed, and beautiful 2025... or better!