The beginning of the Lunar Year and the Year of the Snake guides us into this next month. Traditionally, this sacred time is marked by a practice of silence followed by a period of transformation action. The silence is a time to take in the world and assimilate the life we have chosen. What is working, and what has driven off course some how and needs more support and direction? Once we are honest with ourselves and have taken the time to listen to the soul, then we can act in response to what is in our highest and greatest good. Before there is expansion, there is always a time for contraction. It is important to go inward, to reflect, and to listen. Then when it is time to take action, we feel stronger, more confident, and more aligned with our choices. Listening to the self is first, but it is equally important to listen to those we Love, respect, and feel connected to in our lives. Being a good listener makes us better friends, lovers, students, coworkers, and people in general.
In a divided world where it is much easier to take a side than to find middle ground, we have an important responsibility to stop and listen. Part of good communication is developing strong listening skills. This is something that has become weaker as people become more self-promoting and attention-getting on social media and in other social settings. Research shows that the less we listen, the less connected we become to one another and the world around us. We can lose empathy for others when we don't take the time to stop and listen to their stories and truly understand where they are coming from. Good communication is not just telling people how we feel, but it is also listening to the many different perspectives out there. When we truly listen, we can hear what is being said as well as what people are really saying - which are sometimes two completely different things. When someone stops to listen, there is a feeling that they actually care enough to take time out of their lives to lend a healing ear. This is what builds mutual respect, trust, and connection. Aside from creating deeper connection to others, a good listener actually learns how to communicate better themselves. Conversations become less awkward and much more enjoyable because there is an equal exchange of ideas. How can we learn if we never stop and pay attention to what is being said by the ones we care about the most? So many problems can be avoided and resolved by simply listening to the truths that are being shared. People can tell when they are being heard vs being tuned out or ignored. Although it may not be intentional, avoiding the opportunity to listen can be seen as offensive and thought of as rude. There aren't very many things worth more than our time in this life. When we listen, we are giving the gift of our personal time, energy, and care.
Honor the communication between the head and the heart in oneself, as well as the conversations with the people we invite into our hearts and into our lives. These are sacred moments that we can never recreate or reimagine. Life is sacred, so make the choice to live it deeply and beautifully. Take it all in, and become the listener that you wish you had in your life during challenging times. Conversations and connections are so much deeper when we take the time to be good listeners.