In the winter months, it is wonderful to work with citrus fruits in our foods, drinks, and plant essences. As I have been squeezing oranges, lemons, and limes, it occurred to me that I could never get orange juice from this lime - nor or could I get lime juice from this lemon. Duh.. I know, but just wait. Nature is the great teacher that shows us that whatever is inside of us is what will come out when we have been "squeezed" with pressure. If we are angry, hateful, and vindictive, then when life puts pressures on us, we end up releasing out the anger, hate, and vindication on whomever is present. When we are balanced, centered, and harmonized, then we respond with a more intentional response instead of an unbalanced reaction.
In order to get the best tasting orange juice, we wait until the oranges are completely ripe and ready. For us humans, the analogy means working on ourselves before we start projecting our own disharmonies onto others. The best way to clear the mind of shadow thinking is to regulate and deepen the quality of the breath. Also, we can truly grow mentally and emotionally when we spend time listening to ourselves by practicing various forms of meditation, and/or exploring deeper connections to nature. We will never know what we need to work on if we don't take the time to dive into who we are and what we are allowing to run through our minds and hearts every day. We don't have to accept everything we think or have been told is true. In order to decide what we really believe, we have to know who we are beyond what we have been told. We have to do our own research and take the time to decide what is real and what isn't. Self-Love comes out of self-exploration. When we have taken the time to clean out the false parts of who we are from the mind, then we can hear the Truth much more easily. As the vibration increases with these experiences, we are able to tap into higher Truths and be present in this world with a deeper sense of compassion and understanding. If we truly wish to show up in this world as Love, then we have to hold Love inside of our hearts and souls. By letting go of the pain, the anger, and the scars, and by forgiving the past, we can move forward. Forgiveness is not the easiest path, but it is the way to freedom from the dark cloud that holds on and refuses to let go. When we set ourselves free, we become Light. When we become Light, we live as a reflection of the brilliance that is in the world. The more we choose this higher frequency, the more we are able to dissolve the darkness.
When squeezed to our highest capacity, what do we see in ourselves and what comes out of us? Is there Love that pours out, or is there something else? Life will always bring a squeeze when we least expect one, so invest in a daily practice to help keep the heart and the mind at peace and aligned to the power of Love. It's time to unite in Love and let go of the limitations that work to hold us back from our greatest and highest potential. Reality is what we make of it and what we choose to feed and create on a daily basis. If we wish to live in a Loving world, then we have to hold Love in our hearts. As within, so is without. Let's choose peace, Love, and Truth at every opportunity. This lifetime is the only one we have in this body, mind, and heart, so lets make it the best it can be while we are still here... for both ourselves and for all forms of life. The next time we are squeezed by life, lets take some deep breaths and allow constructive forces to guide us through it with the most grace, Love, and harmony.