Using our imagination is so important to creating in this lifetime. It is what gives life meaning and helps us to explore the many depths of BEing. Born a dreamer, I have always contemplated stories and teachings with deeper lessons to learn. I grew up with religion and truly believed that it was because of a woman in our early human history that our entire civilization fell from grace. Could this really be true? Are we supposed to blame women for our disconnection to Source and this journey we are taking to find our way back home? Was it all the result of Eve picking the apple from the Tree of Good and Evil and going against her direct orders not to use her free will to "turn away from God". This story left me feeling extremely conflicted for many personal reasons. I have had questions about many stories besides this one that are found in sacred books, villainizing women and the Divine Feminine energies of nature, psychic abilities, the moon cycle, etc. We have been told so many stories, and our imagination is able to use both logic and intuition to contemplate what is possible. This idea emerged from my heart.
What if... "Eve" was a woman of high intuitive intelligence that was attracted to the power of the apple as a fruit. The serpent, a snake, as the symbol of healing, appeared as a sign. Apples are known to be one of the most healing fruits on Earth, hence the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". After being told not to eat it, she went away from her "orders" and followed her own free will. This opened an entirely new world of healing possibilities for her physical body. Apples could be used in so many ways to help provide energy, nourishment, and strength to the physical body, as well as a spiritual connection to nature and the land itself. God is the representation of the Light, or the solar energy of the masculine forces of nature. Intuition is the connection to the Divine Feminine, and a wonderful analogy of how thinking on our own results in the fruits of our discoveries. Nature has gifts to offer, and it is connected to our natural and more intuitive state of consciousness.
What if... The Serpent was a representation of the spectrum of Light as a healing totem that is connected to the creative path leading us to follow our own inner compass instead of the herd. The snake of transformation, or the serpent, is the sign we receive along the way to look at things from a different perspective, shed new Light on an old situation, and illuminate a new course of action.
What if...Harmony is the balance between Light and dark, with men as the symbol of Light and women as the symbol of darkness since the beginning of time? This is not because the woman is the sinner, but instead because she is introspective, carries life force within her, and has great intuition. Her reproductive abilities come from inside, and the darkness is the reflective, feminine energy because of this. The man is outward, strong, powerful, and the central Light force in the spotlight - this is why God is always referred to as a "Him". Creator cannot be just one side of the whole, it must contain all parts. Therefore, it is a balance between masculine and feminine forces, and each are vital to the existence of all of creation.
What if...the stories we have been told have been recreated from their original sources for other purposes than our highest good? Anything is possible when we can imagine it. All we have to do is stay open in order for the Truths to flow. Have you ever heard a story that you felt was misrepresented or misunderstood? I believe we all have in-sights into deeper Truths when we are open to receiving them. May we continue to dream, imagine, and create with the infinite mind and heart that we have been blessed with. The Truth will always be the gateway to our ultimate freedom.