The Darkness of the season and the Light of the holy days are in a dance together this time of the year. In the center of us dwells the soul essence. It is our internal sunshine, yet it is thought of as something "inside", and deep in the depths of the heart. When we feel something profoundly, we say we have "gone in deep" or have been "touched deeply" by our emotions. The deepest and darkest parts of us hold the greatest capacity of Light and Love.
The physical body can only truly heal when it is at rest. It is when the eyes are closed, the world is shut out of our consciousness, and we are deeply sedated from reality that we can bring in the most healing Light. We are the most open to receiving messages in our dreams and "glimpses of Light" that provide hope for the coming day. Our eyes dilate and allow in more Light when it is the darkest outside. Energetically, our challenges guide us toward our highest destiny. The darkest of times gently push us toward our greatest joys and the Lightest of times. This paradox occurs in most parts of our reality. Even mushrooms, the most powerful medicines on the Earth, thrive in the darkness. The dark evening sky is illuminated by the stars that we gaze upon, and they hold space for us to dream our greatest dreams. When we make a wish, it is upon a star. This lunar Light has a pull on all forms of life on the Earth. We follow the phases of the illuminated moon in the evening sky to know when to manifest and when to let go.
There is no coincidence that so many sacred celebrations fall during the darkest time of the year. The spirit of the season is here to teach us how to harness the lessons of the darkness in order to grow and evolve toward the Light. When we go inward to learn about who we truly are, we have a greater capacity to accept and embrace the similarities and differences of others. May these dark days help us all grow and evolve into Loving, kind, and compassionate beings that serve the highest and greatest good of all... or better.
Celebrate this dark time of year by letting in the Light of the holy days to bless and illuminate this life. Remember that some of the darkest times of our lives exist to help guide us into the Light. We hope that everyone is blessed by the power of Love, and that this holiday season offers great insight, growth, and expansion, along with rest, play, and togetherness. Blessings to all and to all a good night!