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Weekly Insights: Grounding In To Hope...

Writer's picture: RaMa Holistic Care RaMa Holistic Care

This New Moon highlights areas in our lives that are needing to be restored back to harmony. There has been a "cosmic quake" in the energetic field after the last two eclipses and recent Mercury Retrograde. Some things have changed forever, and other things are still in the process of transformation. A new seed can be planted today that we can nourish to grow into our greatest dreams. What is that seed for you? Is there something or someone you are allowing to stop you from starting anew today?

There are so many excuses of why not to start. The most daring thing we can do is to do what we Love to do, to speak out in Truth, or to stand up for what we believe in when it isn't a very popular thing in our society. We are seeing our fellow humans around the world go through horrific things, and others getting away with murder. We have to maintain a level of hope within us in order to make it through these challenging times. It is vital that we find something that we Love to do, or something that we believe in and want to invest our energy into, in order to keep the hope alive within us. Life has so many realities, and we can easily get stuck in our limited minds and forget that all things are possible. It is easy to believe negative thoughts and give up. It takes more effort to fight that energy and keep things in the Light. There has to be something in our lives that reminds us how blessed we are to be alive. We need to remember that we can change anything with a blink of an eye, when we really want to change. Hope is the mental state that allows us to restore the flow when there is stagnation.

Nature is a huge gift that holds the Schumann resonance, which positively affects our magnetic field and offers us a great deal of hope. It is an Earthly frequency that occurs from just under the ground and all the way to the height of the highest tree on the planet. It is particularly strong in areas of pure nature, and holds a vibration that is equivalent to the brain when it is at harmony. This means that being in or near nature can help to recalibrate us back to a balanced and harmonious mental state. Everything trickles down from the mind. When it is at peace, we are usually at peace. Instead of remaining stagnant and going deeper into pain and discomfort, we can sit by a tree, lay on the grass, or walk amongst the flowers to plug back into a neutral state of consciousness. How we feel matters. When we can tap into a shift that will allow us to transmute negativity, then we can neutralize the power we are giving to sources that are just bringing us down.

The Schumann resonance is not some airy fairy spiritual belief, but it is a scientific fact. It has been proven that there is a 7.83Hz frequency that can positively affect our memory, balance, stress tolerance, mental state, and more - coming from the Earth itself. The Schumann resonance has been scientifically studied and proven to rejuvenate and ground living beings. It has been studied with jet lag to prove that it can restore our energy when traveling. There have also been studies that show when we do not expose ourselves to this Earthly frequency, we can experience headaches, emotional distress, and several health concerns that can negatively affect us. One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to take a little time out of our day to connect with the natural world. Going outside, putting our feet onto the ground, laying down outside, taking a walk, surrendering to the elements, and connecting to nature is something so simple and free that can completely shift our energy. When was the last time you connected with Gaia? If you don't remember, then it's been too long. Keep your frequency high and hold on to hope. There is always a way when there is a will to look for it.



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