Do you ever stop and look at something you see everyday, and notice something you have never seen before? Have you ever slowed down when you would have normally rushed, only to find yourself in awe of what you see in front of you? It is important to change gears once in a while in order to have fresh eyes to see reality in a new Light. We are told to never "sweat the small stuff", or that "the devil is in the details", when in actuality it is because of the small details that the big picture exists. Subtle openings in our consciousness can become game changers. Imagine if a restaurant never cleaned out their refrigerators or the small parts of the soda machine that get used every day. Our ability to pay attention and give energy to the smaller parts of the whole is what makes everything work smoothly and effortlessly. But what happens when things turn into a monotonous routine, and we lose track of the little things that got us to this point? A fresh perspective can be life-changing. For me, being a Doula and witnessing a new life being born into the world is always a life-changing experience. I always leave the birth with fresh eyes that notice things that I never have before. Some say it is because of the lack of sleep or food for several days, but that isn't it. That may help to slow things down a bit, but the perspective of Love vs war, kindness vs animosity, or oneness vs separation seem so obvious when you look into the eyes of a soul who has never experienced any of it. How did we go from pure innocence and unconditional Love to hurting one another? A dualistic reality can never be perfect, but as long as we can re-enter our realities with fresh eyes to see blessings in order to be a blessing ourselves, then we still have Hope.
Life is a marathon of a journey, filled with peaks and valleys, small ponds and large oceans, and everything in between. We each have higher guidance, and we have to use our free will to ask for it every day. The Light seeks permission to work through us, while the darkness enters without it. A higher voice speaks through our words and shines in our actions as we birth our realities. It takes humility, vulnerability, great sacrifices, and personal power to create the reality we feel in our hearts. Life is a paradox, asking us to be gentle and strong, alone but together, intuitive and grounded, or graceful and revolutionary. What's real is that whatever is living inside of us manifests outside of us. So the real work is in our ability to assimilate our life experiences, forgive the past, let go of what was, and embrace the moment that creates the gift of the present. It is in the here and now that we birth magic, miracles, and beauty. When the heart is Light and clear, then life will reflect that.
I am grateful for the courage that each soul brings on their journeys here to the Earthly plane. Every being is filled with Love. We all experience pain, betrayal, deceit, and much more, but we get to choose how we handle it and if it will define who we become in a positive and productive way, or a challenging and painful way. All roads lead to the same path, we get to choose the road we want to take. May life offer you fresh eyes to see that happiness, health, abundance, and success are one thought away from their counterparts. We are the magicians that create from deep within, and we can always change courses when we don't like what we have created. Together with other beings, we are stronger and more empowered to grow our dreams into beautiful creations that make this world a better place. Let's all remember that we came out of Love in order to share our Love and add to the Love on the planet. On this sacred month of June, Pride Month, let's all remember that we are human first. Let one another be who we are, allowing the space for differences to grow, and embracing what can be learned from those who live "differently" than we do. We might just earn a pair of fresh eyes that allows us to see how truly blessed we are to simply be alive and free.