This Mercury and Venus Retrograde season, along with the Total Lunar Eclipse, have brought up the topic of disharmonious communication for us this week. It's the 11th week of the year, and the energy of Daath, the hidden sphere of the Tree of Life, puts an emphasis on the throat chakra and how to find harmony with the power of the "spells" we speak with our words. Words have great power, and they are made of letters "spelling" energies that eventually create the material reality we see in front of our eyes. When we understand the true power of our words, then we have a greater desire to speak with intentionality and purpose, and use consciousness to share words that help, uplift, and serve a greater purpose without causing harm. We live in a time where we can cure major diseases, fly off planet, make meat out of vegetables, communicate face to face with someone across the globe, and speak to our computers. With all of the miracles that we are able to perform, it still feels next to impossible to reach someone on the other side of the political isle. What makes it so difficult to have productive conversations with people who don't share the same beliefs as we do? A Harvard Social Impact Review explained that we have devolved to this. In 1975, people were much more committed to study conflict and defense mechanisms in order to understand why certain unconscious beliefs and perspectives contribute to the way we Love one another and work with each other. Since then, we have reverted to "pills and skills" in order to feel better and do better with the help of medications instead of processing reality and doing the inner work needed to find personal peace. We seek outer sources to "fix" us instead of investing in our own evolutionary growth. What are the result of this way of processing? We have higher adolescent suicide numbers than ever before, and we have isolated ourselves and hid behind our phones to connect with each other in unnatural and limiting ways which have caused nothing but more separation and more judgement of one another. We actually see our history as two different realities in order to protect our fears, phobias, limiting beliefs, and cultic dogma. There are clear paradoxes present that simply don't matter to half of the population, and the only voices we hear are from the extremes on either side of the spectrum. This is apparent in our local communities, on our news networks, and in our various spiritual groups. We have joined "teams" and will even double down on our "side" without even weighing the facts or taking the time to do our own research. This is a very dangerous place for us to be in as a society. The people have always held all of the power. However, when we are programmed to hate one another at all costs and fear "the other" as a threat to our lives and to society in general, then we are completely divided. We lose our power to stand up for one another against the agendas that wish to utilize us as pawns in their "game of life". When we lose the ability to empathize with one another, and we find happiness in watching each other suffer in pain, then the next step is devastating violence and annihilation of rules, order, and overall care for humanity. We are 99.999% the same, regardless of our age, sex, color, race, religion, location, way of life, sexual preferences, or other. When we seek to find ways to connect instead of separate from one another, then hope is restored for our ability to create peace, Love, and harmony on this planet.
Why does one person's worldview perspective have more value than someone else's? What makes them have the "right way" of seeing things versus the "wrong way"? We are all raised differently, and we have all had stories told to us from very different perspectives since we were born. If there is one Truth that exists, there are a million different ways of interpreting that same Truth. Perhaps the person we fight against the most has a perspective that we can learn and grow from, even if we cannot get ourselves to believe in it. There are spaces where discrimination of all types have been created in the mind, and they have become strong enough to form a barrier wall between people that won't allow for a deep and meaningful conversation. These feelings of hatred close us off from being able to see the humanity in one another. We see each other as animals to fear, and we stop engaging in any way. Our connection to the parts we have in common - our human connection - is what can act as a bridge between us and those we fear the most. There is a being with a heart and soul in front of us, and we have that in common with one another no matter what else is present. Personal experiences are what are real, but propaganda we read about and listen to could all be fake. We can't just blindly believe everything we hear and react to it. We have to dig deeper, have our own personal experiences, and share in conversations with those affected directly by the topic at hand. The Truth is the road to freedom, but when the world is fed opposite Truths and believes whole-heartedly that the other side is the "liar", then we have no pathway to meet in the middle. We have to be willing to recognize one another and our personal stories, and be open to working toward mutual respect before we can have a real conversation. The name calling, put downs, and angry tyrades are not productive at all. They serve to further divide us. If we really have Love in our hearts and want the best for our country and our world, then we will do our part to contribute to the solution and not add to the problem. It is a very old story, and it is time to let it go. This eclipse has the power to help us do so, if we so choose that pathway to follow. In soul-searching, it is a personal belief that anything is possible when we open our hearts to the idea of change. We don't have to be the same way our entire lives. We can grow and become more flexible and allow for depth in conversation, connection, and evolution. If we simply stand on one side with our team flag and badge, we are part of the separation. When we decide to take the jerseys off and listen to one another, sharing our stories and perspectives with open hearts and minds, then we can grow out of division and pain and into a reality that allows everyone to become their best selves. All things are possible through the power of Love and our willingness to stop and listen to different perspectives. We are better than this - and it is time to do better.