"The Universe creates itself out of itself." It is an ever-evolving process that cannot be stopped. In our personal realities, the physical plane is the final shift in the process of transformation. Oftentimes, we have been thinking about something we've wanted to change for a very long time. Eventually, we tell someone we trust and we hear ourselves explain how important this is to us. It grows in our hearts and eventually there is no other way but to act upon. Other times, this process is reduced to one thought, a strong feeling behind it, and then the action that helps us carry it forward. Either way, by the time it gets to the manifestation stage, we are usually ready for it to arrive. During the Eclipse season, things can work a little differently if we choose not to embrace change. Maybe we have had the thought of letting something go, but haven't quite decided to act upon it. Perhaps the Universe finds this shift more important to act upon now than we do because it will help us evolve into something we are destined to become - right now. Whatever it looks like, this is not a time to resist the events that are being created to help us evolve. Observation, attention, and openness allow us to recognize new opportunities when they show up. They also allow us to learn and grow from the areas that are not aligned with our destiny. Eclipses have karmic endings, cutting the extra fat out of our lives in terms of low frequencies and limitations. Be ready to leave the past behind in order to embrace the gifts of the present.
This is one of the most challenging times on our planet to be alive, yet the Earth has seen so many of these moments in its history, and will continue to cycle through many more in the future. We are a grain of sand on the timeline of humanity, and yet, we are part of a great shift in energy that will be remembered for centuries to come. The outer revolution is only possible because each of us is going through our own personal inner revolution. The changes inside of us work collectively to help shape our external worlds. We are evolving greatly with advanced technologies, consciousness shifts, and frequency adjustments on the Earth. This is because we are ready for more advanced thinking, living, and being. The old stories are only persisting because there are energies that are fighting this purge of the old ways with all they've got. There is a desperate attempt to keep us separated, hating one another, and fighting for resources. The advanced technologies, and even the intergalactic gifts that we have access to, can help us to live and exist together in harmony and peace with less struggle. However, if we actually embrace that, then many of those who benefit from the pain and suffering of others will be the ones who will suffer the most.
The heart way is the path of least resistance. It allows for equality, expansion, and abundant living for all - taking away the lower frequencies and replacing them with more sustainable ways for the Earth and all living beings. The power of the Light, the power of Truth, and the power of our Expanding Awareness will carry us into this shift. Because there have been so many of these shifts on Earth before, we understand that free will is a mixed bag. We have free will to evolve into something greater, and we also have the free will to hold onto our destructive ways and cause more suffering instead. It is part of the human story. Since we started our human experience with free will, then we will end our human experience the same way. The power of choice has us at the brink of an amazing expansion of awareness. We only have to ask ourselves if we are ready to embrace it and endure the death of what was in order to create space for what can be.
We may have amnesia of the many lifetimes we have lived or the deep lessons the soul has experienced, but they still live inside of us. Together, and with the power of Love and the support of the Light of Truth, we can move through all of the conflict and pain we see and experience. The fact that we can see the duality is proof that it is being challenged. The conflicts we experience are the actual changes in process of being revealed by the Light. The Truth shines Light on what is in discord. We just have to be awake to answer the call when it shows up on our doorstep. When we work together with the power of the Light and the purity of the Truth, then we hold the space for a Loving transformation. Whether you embrace it, reject it, or feel some resistance toward it, it doesn't matter. This shift is bigger than all of us combined. The eclipse is a smaller part of the bigger picture. It is in the process of manifesting in different ways for all of us, and collectively in the way that we live together and in harmony with all forms of life. The shift is filled with challenges, growing pains, and discomfort, but that is how the birthing process manifests. May we each find our way through the next step of this great transformational shift on the Earth. Happy Solar Eclipse and Blessings for Expansive Creations this New Moon!