Janis Joplin once said, "Don't compromise yourself. You're all you've got." This week takes an introspective turn with the energies and archetypes at hand. The waning moon opens the trash can for us to release what is no longer in our highest and greatest good. The Universe supports this time of inner healing, going toward the darkness in order to bring Light, and alchemical transformation through positive action. It has us meditating on the areas of our lives in the past where we compromised who we were for something or someone we decided was more important, only to find out that it was an empty wish and false hope. These lessons, sometimes having to manifest more than once, create a deeper understanding that lead to profound wisdom. The key is in the life lesson that every single breath is too precious to just hand over to anyone or anything. It takes care, clarity, consciousness, and positive action to manifest a life that we can fall in Love with.
We must make the time to invest in ourselves, to learn about who we really are, what we believe in, what we stand for, and what our boundaries are. When we know who we really are and what makes us tick, then we are more likely to make choices for our lives that are in our highest interest. As we navigate through the Kali Yuga dark ages, we find ourselves at the end of cosmic cycle of darkness where the unthinkable is our regular reality. We are destined to rise above the darkness and cultivate an energy of inner Light that allows us to navigate through it all. We have to be able to listen to ourselves to hear the inner voice of the soul so that we may be guided by it. Once we can hear it, then we can activate our willpower to follow it, no matter what things may look like on the outside. Faith starts with the self and in the Light within our own hearts. When we have Faith in ourselves, how we truly feel about our lives, and what is most important to us, then we move toward it with confidence. Little land mines along the way don't trip us up because our inner guidance works to teach and protect us through it all. Life will never be perfect, and the challenges are designed to help us grow along the way. However, we get to choose where we invest our energy, our personal power, and our life force every day. If we are unhappy, we have to answer to why we chose to invest in something that didn't have our best interest in mind. At the end of the day, everything is a choice. If we want to be happy, we have to choose what is best for us and the greater good of all - as we are one with our surroundings, every living being, and our environment.
The extreme of not compromising is never compromising - or becoming an intransigent. When we speak of not compromising ourselves for something outside of ourselves, it has to do with living a life that we can feel at peace with. It has more to do with our inner beliefs, values, and principles, and the healthy boundaries we set for ourselves so that we are not taken advantage of, and less about being able to compromise with others to create harmony. To never compromise is to be stubborn, set in our ways, and unable to find middle ground with anyone or anything. That "bull-headedness" is not productive. We can believe in and Love ourselves, but also be able to live in a society with other people that we may disagree with. This has become one of the biggest problems of our time. We have struggled as humanity in our ability to find middle ground to work together to create a peaceful world that everyone can feel comfortable in. There are too many prejudices, judgements, strict beliefs, and boundaries that pull people apart, create war, target one another against each other, and incite violence. We have lost the ability to listen, but instead, we wait to talk. Our society is filled with pre-judgements that keep us in a filtered closet with other like-minded people. The ability to be able to put our beliefs on hold long enough to listen to another point of view is integral in humanity growing, learning, and becoming better. We are all created differently in order to learn what the idea of "God" truly is. If Creator created everything and everyone an image of Itself, then it is important to learn from everything and everyone in order to truly understand what created us and where we come from. Knowing where we come from allows us to see where we are going. There is a balance between being who we are without having to compromise that, and living together through compromise in order to find common ground. As life is a paradox, both of these things are important and true at the same time.