We can agree to disagree. It is most important that we always follow our heart's guidance toward what resonates the deepest to us personally. However, why would we choose to be hateful and cruel in order to make a point? Our behavior says more about our character than it does about our choices. In this climate of high emotion and great social discord, taking the high road shows maturity and discernment. Losing our emotions reflects a weak nervous system, imbalanced mind, and emotional immaturity. It also feeds those energies outside of ourselves that upset us or set us off. That is neither healthy nor productive when trying to live our best lives. So how do we live in a higher frequency and stop the discord between the "sides" in such a polarized social climate?
To begin with, having different opinions is extremely healthy. This is what the idea of "a free society" is all about. Leaders offer their ideas to the people in order to resolve problems, and the people vote for what they align with. In one election, one side wins the majority, and in another it might be the other side. As different issues come up, the people voice their needs, and they are addressed through our various systems. When the systems are no longer working, then healthy conversations and new ideas create new pathways to address our real world problems - legally, together as citizens of a free world, and legitimately through the constitutional rights we have all agreed to live by in this country.
Everyone believes that their perspective is the right one, and it is rare that one side gets everything they want in any given election. The system is designed to promote compromise and working together for a common cause or a greater purpose. The problem with this system today is the way we talk about one another. Our leaders and news sources are encouraging ideas and beliefs of seeing other Americans as "the enemy". Society is persuaded to stop listening to other people's ideas and beliefs and become louder and more vulgar instead. Self-righteous vigilantes stretch the truth in order to demonize the other side, fake AI videos and pictures are created to instill doubt, and the public is inundated with chatter about how the end of our freedoms and rights is near. There is fear, anger, frustration, and anxiety running rampant, and instead of coming together to find common ground, each side doubles down on their political dogma. The negativity and polarity is beyond comprehension, and one way to elevate the frequency is to take what is considered to be "the high road". The high road doesn't mean that we have to change our opinions, be silenced, or surrender to the "other side" when confronted with hostility. Instead, the high road means to flip the switch and create a different pathway down this mental highway of duality. Unfortunately, some have already decided that polarization is going to be their way to win seats in our government, but we all get to decide if we are going to give in to the demonization our fellow brothers and sisters. We get to decide who we want to be in our communities and in our country as a whole.
We have so many reasons to see our differences because we are all so different. We are raised in different families, eat different food, practice different religions, subscribe to different beliefs, and feel different ways. Those very differences have been our strengths in becoming the United States for several hundred years. We have been and still are a melting pot. On the other hand, we also have a deep history of taking what doesn't belong to us, lying and manipulating for personal gain, and taking advantage of those who have less. That is part of the duality of humanity and the dark history of this country. The only way to truly create change is by living the way we wish to see the world to be. "Being the change" is the only way each person can control their own realities. The other way is in making daily choices to respond to the dualities in the world in the most healthy and productive ways.
Flipping the switch means creating positive change. If a screaming match online with a total stranger has been the behavior of the past, then flip the switch and take the high road instead. Don't chime in for a day, a week, a month, or for the next four years, and just listen and read what is being said. Take those ideas and research which ones are true and which ones are being stretched out of truth in order to help one side create a problem that benefits their ideas and behaviors. Document what you find, and when you are ready to have a level-headed conversation with someone who disagrees with you, speak in person and share truths and opinions in a calm and centered conversation. Both sides, and those in between, are all run and controlled by humans. Humans are dualistic and will usually only choose to do good if they benefit from it in a negative or positive way. There is a motive to act in most cases. What is your motive? How do you stay mentally sane when there is chaos surrounding you? This is where the work begins.
Let's stop the blame and shame game. Let's stop reacting to online trolls - as they are there to get anyone's blood pressure to raise to the roof. Let's go where we can make real changes - in the mind. There is a playground of thoughts and opinions inside of us. We have the power to choose which ones occupy space in our lives everyday. Just like we choose our friends, our job, or our clothing, we have to choose the thoughts that lead us to our desired destiny. The thoughts that continue to take us down the doom and gloom road are not helping or healing. They may motivate us to act, and that can be powerful, but what kind of action comes out of pure anger and hatred? Usually not the most productive kind. Instead of taking that route, slow the breath down, listen to soothing music, write, spend time in nature, dance, work out, run really fast, or do something to get out the reactive energies. Then communicate from a calm place, from a neutral place, and from an educated place. Don't spread untruths that have not been fact checked first. Don't let negative energy consume your happiness enough to ruin a day, a week, a month, the next four years, or the many political cycles to come.
We are in a deep and profound learning cycle of evolution. This is all manifesting for us to learn and grow. As soon as we do, things will change again. Growing pains are normal, and our resistance is not always helpful when we decide to stretch open. Take each day as a practice, and make each moment better than the last. This life is meant to be deep, meaningful, and enjoyable. Don't forget to play, to Love, and create joy. There are so many things to be grateful for, and our mental health is one of the most important things for us to keep in harmony. Imagine a world where people take deep breaths before responding, where the majority chooses kindness, or where listening becomes the first response instead of reactiveness. Imagine a world where we have transformational conversations and create positive change with patience, compassion, and honesty. Imagine this reality and then...
Choose Love!