Mantra & Meaning:
Ad Rosam, Per Crucem,
Ad Crucem, Per Rosam.
To the rose by the way of the cross,
To the cross by the way of the rose.
The Rose is the symbol of Love, and enduring the "thorns" of life in order to get to the nectar and the sweetness. The cross is the symbol of sacrifice. We have to sacrifice the ego, making the decision to let go, forgive, and move past our trauma, our challenges, and our past in order to fully live in the present moment. This mantra helps to open the heart after enduring one's darkest challenges. By doing so we are able to cultivate strength, and use those difficult moments as stepping stones toward a higher destiny and purpose. The Rose is such a high frequency flower because it is the symbol of the harmony between pain and pleasure - or the yin and yang of life. It is the flower of the heart and heart healing. As we keep our hearts open through the frequency of Unconditional Love, we can harness the energy to heal ourselves on all levels.