"Aung Ra Ma" is the Seed Sound for the month of November. "Aung Ra Ma" is a balancing and harmonizing vibration. Aung is the form of Ong that brings Infinite Consciousness. Ra is the solar force that brings the positive polarity of the Divine Masculine energy. Ma is the lunar force that brings the negative polarity of the Divine Feminine energy. Together, this trinity of vibrational healing balances the mind-body-spirit in all ways.
When you chant the Seed Sounds, make sure to use a complete breath and pull root lock by squeezing the rectum and drawing the navel in toward the spine as you chant. Chant the Seed Sound 3, 7, or 11 times daily. Please drink plenty of water and do not overdo it. Seed Sounds are very powerful and potent and are a form of vibrational healing for the mind-body-spirit.