Scorpio Retrograde ruled by Mars,
Getting in tune by watching the stars.
Revisiting the past and deep conversations,
Making corrections with all of my relations.
Letting go of mistrust by using the Word,
Expressing concerns that are feeling absurd.
Connecting with friends and past Lovers,
Sudden shift of healing ready to discover.
Forgiveness and Love unfolding here now,
Honoring the soul and making a vow.
It is time to express and be real,
No longer holding on to how I feel.
Shifting old patterns that limit my joy,
Courage to seek what I truly enjoy.
The end of an era of not Loving the self,
No longer putting needs up on the shelf.
Addressing reality and what needs to shift,
Living in Truth is the greatest gift.
Mercury Retrograde can be a blessing,
Opening and expanding by expressing.
Clarity, trust, and faith in what is good,
The words I speak are clearly understood.
Allowing deep healing from childhood,
Strength in Love and all that is good.
Taking this opportunity to have closure,
Not waiting for some time when I'm older.
Life is happening in the here and now,
Some of my actions might raise a brow.
As long as I follow the heart that guides,
I am in rhythm with the cycles and tides.
All is revealed, in tune, and in sync,
Mercury Retrograde is better than I think!