Each of us has a lens to see,
The Light and dark that disagree.
One says no and one says yes,
Each with their own way to express.
And then there's an eye in a higher place,
That sees the Love and Divine grace.
Walking the talk and living kind,
Seeing the Truth and feeling aligned.
Sometimes the higher eye is closed,
Where a bigger vision is not exposed.
Duality revealing the highs and lows,
Where left and right think that they know.
All eyes awaken for a complete view,
The inside must open with the outside too.
Both of the worlds of unseen and seen,
And every reality that is in between,
Can be revealed on the visual screen.
No matter what angle, shade, or size,
Every vision helps to open our eyes.
Revealing the rainbow of Truth so vast,
Combining the future with the present and past.
It's time to look with the eyes to see,
The mind is neither you or me.
Here to access all forms of thought,
And decide what's real and what is not.
Aware of the importance of a vision so clear,
Because what we believe is what will appear.