We all just want to feel like we belong,
Seeking a heart connection with others.
Tapping into health and spirit to be strong,
Joining together with sisters and brothers.
The hierarchy of energies are soon revealed,
Everyone in their place of power so clear.
Truths locked up and tightly concealed,
Relationships growing closer every year.
A charismatic leader who woos the crowd,
Makes them believe he is superhuman.
Carelessly doing what no one else is allowed,
While creating an elaborate illusion.
Followers double down on extreme beliefs,
Becoming indoctrinated deep to the core.
Regurgitating the language that they speak,
Turning away from dark truths to ignore.
Choosing vulnerable people who are healing,
Manipulating emotions and playing games.
Preying on those who are deeply feeling,
Capitalizing on insecurities and deep shame.
Overcharging members while never paying,
Leaving workers to seek more support.
Papers signed to avoid them from betraying,
So that abusers don't end up in court.
The cult's perceived as a supportive community,
Serving their followers and the world alike.
But no one sees the hidden opportunity,
For a predator to make his plan to strike.
To avoid the abuse that comes with the cult,
We must trust and Love the self so deeply.
Illuminating our lives with Light as a result,
Following our hearts and intuition completely.
If something seems too good to be true,
It will most likely prove to be a scam.
The heart holds the wisdom to review,
As it is the source of the "I Am That I Am".