Joy is not a wish to create,
It doesn't happen out of mere fate.
But instead it comes from within,
The place where everything begins.
Joy births from our good self-care,
No longer choosing to compare.
It develops from a spiritual connection,
In exercise, hobbies, and deep reflection.
Joy is the result of good diet and sleep,
And allowing ourselves to take a leap.
It comes in knowing thyself inside,
Living in Truth and not needing to hide.
Authentic living brings joy in the space,
With good people of whom we embrace.
Joy manifests when we welcome in nature,
Grounding and connecting to grace a prayer.
Giving to others and lending a hand,
Listening compassionately to understand.
Everyone can find joy in their day,
Paying attention to the good on display.
Even after we have grieved in despair,
Finding joy can help us repair.
So let us manifest a joyful heart,
Sharing in Love and doing our part.
As joy connects us to our soul,
It helps the entire being feel whole.