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Mudra of the Month: Mudra For Centering Into The Heart Space...

Writer's picture: RaMa Holistic Care RaMa Holistic Care

 Mudra means "To Please", and is a way to invoke the unseen forces for health and happiness. You can literally manifest your destiny with the palm of your hands. Mudras are a type of sign language to the angelic realm. Every day, hire the angels of Light and fire the angels of darkness with Mudra Therapy.

The month of August is the 8th month of the year, and eight is the number for the planetary influence of Saturn. Saturn is the Divine Mother who teaches us how to deepen our relationship to our Higher Self. She supports us in strengthening our connection to Spirit and our highest path of Divine Love. This month we highlight this particular mudra to help keep us centered and in the heart. This is a symbol to call in protection and bring balance to all of the elements within and around the being. It is calming and centering, bringing the mind to a state of neutrality so that we can act instead of react to the world around us. Utilize this amazing mudra this month to center you in your heart, protect you, and bring harmony to your thoughts and emotions. 

 This mudra is our "Sacred Balancing" mudra at home. When we need centering or when we ask our Highest Self a reflective question, this mudra helps to bring clarity and truth. When you need centering and balance, sit with this sacred mudra and create a harmonious inner world that will reflect a harmonious and balanced reality.

How To Get Into The Mudra:

1. Straighten the spine in a comfortable posture sitting, standing, or laying down.

2. Rub your hands together vigorously.

3. Bring your left palm flat onto your Solar Plexus (above the belly)

4. Bring your right palm into a half Prayer Pose at the heart center.

5. Relax your shoulders down and away from your ears.

6. Smile, breathe, and hold the mudra here for 3 - 11 minutes. Chanting the healing mantra "RaMaDaSaSaSaySoHung" or breathing a 3-Point Breath (See Below) is wonderful to do while holding any mudra.

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