Mudra means "To Please", and is a way to invoke the unseen forces for health and happiness. You can literally manifest your destiny with the palm of your hands. A Mudra is a type of sign language to the angelic realm. Every day, hire the angels of Light and fire the angels of darkness with Mudra Therapy.
The month of February is the 2nd month of the year, and the number two is connected to the Moon and "The High Priestess". The Moon brings out our sensitivities and enhances our emotions. With the Moon's influence, we are also pressed to be more adaptable and find middle ground in a dualistic reality. "The High Priestess" brings out our innermost thoughts and feelings. This mudra addresses the more challenging emotions that we experience, like stress, fear, and worry.
As we bring our fingers together to create a "v" shape, we are stimulating the neck. The neck and shoulders are where most of us carry stress and tension. The fingers come together in the shape of a "v" to remind us that we are "victorious" in manifesting a worry-free and harmonious reality. The thumbs are connected to the brain, the mind, the higher glands of the Pineal and Pituitary, and to the higher centers of consciousness. They are also tied to the planetary influence of Mars, which relates to our personal energy, magnetism, and peace. The emotions attached to the thumb are worry and anger, as the lungs are stimulated by the meridians running through them. As we breathe deeply and stimulate the meridians in the hands with this mudra, we can let go of tension, stress, worry, and anger, while promoting peace and relaxation.
How To Get Into The Mudra:
1. Straighten the spine in a comfortable posture sitting, standing, or laying down.
2. Rub your hands together vigorously.
3. Bring your 2nd and 3rd phalanx together, creating a "v" shape with the hands.
4. Stretch your thumbs up without touching them together.
5. Relax your shoulders down and away from your ears.
4. Smile, breathe, and hold the mudra here for 3 - 11 minutes. Chanting the healing mantra "RaMaDaSaSaSaySoHung" or breathing a 3-Point Breath (See Below) is wonderful to do while holding any mudra.
3-Point Breath (Optional):
Inhale for a count of 20, Hold the breath for a count of 20, Exhale for a count of 20. Repeat this breath for 3 - 11 minutes to calm the mind and bring balance to the brain.