Winter Savory is a perennial, semi-evergreen herb from France. This amazing plant is native to the Mediterranean, Africa, and Southern Europe. She is used for medicine and in the culinary arts from the ancient days to today's modern world.
Winter Savory is an anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic medicine. She is very hot to the skin, and best applied to the bottoms of the feet. This powerful plant helps with the common cold, flu, fever, bronchial infections, asthma, and sore throat. For the heart, she helps with balancing the blood pressure and stimulating circulation. Winter Savory is helpful for arthritis, rheumatism, muscle spasms, and pain. This is a great plant healer to layer with Mugwort for body aches and pain. She is great for helping to promote the moon cycle when it is out of harmony, impotence, and frigidity. She also helps the digestive system, stimulating healing and helping diarrhea, constipation, and gas.
Energetically, Winter Savory helps to ignite self-Love, and support one in feeling more peaceful. She is an empowering medicine for those who feel overwhelmed by life's circumstances or feel smothered by someone or something. Anoint Winter Savory, and draw in the energies of inner strength and courage to move forward and past 'the past' in order to create the reality that brings joy and happiness in the NOW.