Ho Sho is a beautiful tree from China who is high in camphor and used in medicine, in timber production, as smokeless gunpowder, an ornamental tree, and as celluloid. Throughout the years, humans have proven that this tree has so much Love to share in so many different ways.
Ho Sho is a natural pain reliever, a tonic for the body, and a healer of arthritic conditions like rheumatism. For the skin, her camphor qualities help to heal dermatitis, scars, stretch marks, candida, acne, abscesses, wounds, sores, and so much more. She is wonderful for headaches and nausea, and helps to calm the body when experiencing insomnia. For the lungs and the immune system, Ho Sho helps respiratory infections, chronic bronchitis, cold, flu, and a fever. She is also so powerful as a chi warmer, frigidity, sexual desire, and debility. For the nervous system, she restores our energy and helps with neuralgia and in strengthening our nerve connections.
Energetically, Ho Sho supports depression, stress, and the ability to take care of ourselves in the deepest ways. She helps in transitions and knowing when we need to make a life change and enhancing our the courage to follow through. When you know what you are ready to change, and when you are ready to change it, Ho Sho is a great guide to supporter that gives confidence when the timing is right. She is a great healer of trauma, and she helps us to let go our our need to compete and any feelings of jealousy and imbalance. Work with Ho Sho when you are ready to live the life of your dreams!