Divine Plane:
Level of Thoughts, the Crown, and Higher Consciousness
"What do you want to become in the next seven years? Are you going to be victim of circumstances or the creator of circumstance by taking care of your thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviors, and attitudes, and become a blessing to your family, community, world, and galaxy? Decide who you want to become now. Every new moon is a chance for us to reset. Every full moon is a time to get rid of our trash Sync with the Universe and go for it."
~ Dr. Levry
In this Age of Uranus, we can create anything we dream of that is in alignment with the heart and Love. This is a time of recreating ourselves and starting anew. Before we create, however, it is imperative that the mind, heart, and soul is in alignment with Love. This new age is birthing a higher consciousness that is not looking back to the past. In moving forward, each of us are being asked to step up our game and go deeper. There is so much healing when we are willing to look at Truth. The Truth lights the way to freedom, and freedom comes from the Love deep within. By manifesting this Love in our daily thinking, feeling, speaking, acting, and behaving, we can transmute dis-ease, division, and darkness.
Astral Plane:
Level of Emotions, the Heart, and the Unseen World.
"If the heart, soul, and spirit come first and work comes second, you will be happy."
~ Dr. Levry
We may feel that Love is the most important thing, but are we living that way? The way we choose to utilize the 24 hours we are blessed with each day reflects who we are and who we will become. Make it a priority to put yourself and the ones you Love the most before money or material things that are fleeting and impermanent. Prioritize what is most important and give that the most energy. At the end of our lives, we will not regret the days we didn't work, but we will wish we spent more time with those that we Love the most.
Physical Plane:
Level of Actions, the Abdomen, and the Physical Body.
"This is the time for us to have a positive and uplifting presence. This is a time for positive spiritual power. This is a time to have a positive projection. This is a time to demonstrate a positive life and serve so many people because you are a living magnet of Love. This is a time to have a positive, magnetic psyche and raise your vibration in order to be comfortable on the Earth. This is a time to share our positivity and Light of Hope."
~ Dr. Levry
The deep spiritual work is inside of each of us. In order to create positive change in the world, all of the things we wish to shift and change must first happen within. To be comfortable and happy, we have to have inner peace. Free of resentment, hatred, and blame, we can liberate ourselves by letting go of the past with Love. As we merge with the soul that sees the deeper healing in every challenge, we can take the higher road and be a projection of Hope to all those who cross our path. Self liberation leads to global liberation. Healing the heart and surrendering to a higher purpose is a way to bless everyone and everything.