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Writer's pictureRaMa Holistic Care

Aromatherapy Share: Essential Oils To Help Us Heal Past Traumas...

Traumas manifest in different ways for different people, but the one thing they all have in common is the impact that the trauma leaves with the victim. For the body, trauma can cause the blood pressure to rise, the heart rate to increase, and sleep to be disrupted. PTSD, depression, trust issues, and emotional turmoil as well as chronic diseases can manifest if the trauma is never addressed for healing. When approaching this healing process, the Plant Kingdom is a powerful resource that provides Love and support, as well as physical healing benefits and grounding. The three essences we choose to help us move through traumatic experiences are White Cedar, Vetiver, and Blue Yarrow.

White Cedar is an evergreen coniferous tree that is known as the "Tree of Life" and for her longevity. She is known to help with virus', parasites, tumors, and cancers. White Cedar is great for bites, sores, warts, arthritis, venereal diseases, and muscle pain. She is also used to help people work through issues of abuse, trauma, and trust. White Cedar is a grounding tree that holds us in her healing arms while we process the trauma we have experienced.

Vetiver is a perennial grass known as the "Oil of Tranquility". She is helpful for arthritis, pain, circulation, immunity, impotence, nervous tension, diabetes, and much more. Energetically, Vetiver helps us ground, create healthy boundaries, and heal repressed trauma. She is great as support for getting out of survival mode and connecting to our eternal and everlasting spirit. As a grass, she teaches how to let go of the past traumas in order to grow into our future lives with peace.

Blue Yarrow is a perennial plant found all over the world. She is wonderful for the skin, hair, heart, gut, and reproductive system, to name a few things. Blue Yarrow helps us awaken a higher consciousness within, honoring and learning from past traumas, and connecting with the soul. She helps us surrender to our highest self and stop resisting the Truth. As we open our hearts with this flower essence in order to heal the pain and trauma, we are able to share our stories with others and use that experience as a gift to help others.

Together, these three plant essences can help us move out of trauma mode and into our personal heart healing for growth and transformation. Anoint 5-10 drops over the heart, the spine, and/or the bottoms of the feet (or listen to your intuition to anoint) for best results.

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