Oftentimes, we are afraid of things we simply don't understand. When we uncover our deepest fears by facing them head-on, we can discover that they were not as bad as we thought they were. The human mind can create obstacles and give them the power to grow bigger and bigger. Eventually, we can end up feeling paralyzed by our fears. This is why it is so important to identify and then confront our fears head-on. We owe it to ourselves to stand up to what we are afraid of in order to understand it better. Plants live in the natural world, and the truth becomes revealed by their Light. When we have a challenge, plants remind us they are our greatest allies, and they exist to help bring Light to all who align with them. Our favorite three essences to help support us as we confront our biggest fears are Oregano, Spikenard, and Green Myrtle.
Oregano is a hot, strong, and powerful perennial shrub that is highly revered as a healer throughout the world. She is anti-viral, anti-parasitic, and anti-fungal. Oregano helps the common cold, flu, infections, the lungs, inflammation, cancers, and more. However, Oregano has a deep healing energy that addresses our emotions, trauma, and fears. She confronts the shadows in our lives and helps us balance our Light with our darkness. When we have gone through a lot, this medicine brings in a calm and centered frequency. Oregano is the plant healer that saves us from self-destruction, negativity, and darkness. Therefore, our fears have no strength in the face of this amazingly strong plant essence.
Spikenard is a root essence that helps to calm the nervous system. She is anti-fungal, anti-infection, circulatory aid that helps the heart, liver, kidneys, digestive system, hair, skin, lungs, and memory centers. Along with her endless physical benefits, Spikenard works on our inner world to help us find a deep sense of peace, harmony, and spiritual purpose. She helps us address our fears, anger, depression, and other mental imbalances, and awakens us to a higher energy that supports our highest mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.
Green Myrtle is an ancient medicine that has a deep, mystic background in ancient mythology and ritual. She is anti-infection, anti-parasitic, and supportive of the reproductive system, intestines, lungs, heart, brain, skin, and hair. Green Myrtle works on our fears, mental chatter, and overactive mind in order to help us get out of our own way. She supports us as we release negativity, anger, anxiety, and stress. When addressing our fears, Green Myrtle helps us look at how we feel about loss, death, illness, despair, and trauma. As we release darker memories and mental imprints that have negatively effected us, we can release that which no longer serves us for good.
To address our fears, we can anoint 5-10 drops of each plant essence (except Oregano - which has to be layered or only applied onto the bottoms of the feet) on the crown of the head for the mind, over the heart for the emotions, and over the kidneys and bladder - both on the physical organs as well as the meridian points and lines. The bottoms of the feet are also wonderful places to anoint the body with plant essences for self-healing and personal growth, especiall with hot essences like Oregano. Be consistent and stick to a protocol, anointing 2-3 times a day for 40 -120 days.