Each day is a blessing, and all we need to do is be ourselves. We were born to live our God-given gifts, and when we feel called, we can help create the answers to life's dilemmas in order to make things better for both ourselves and for all other forms of life. We are each blessings on the Earth that have the power to create a positive impact in our own unique ways. Society can both embrace and destroy uniqueness, depending on where we are, who we are around, and what influences us along the way. Instead of giving our power and blessings away to another being, it is important that we listen to ourselves and allow the Light from within to shine in the way that resonates the most to each of us. There are plant essences that can support us on this journey. Three of our favorites are Black Pepper, Ravensara Aromatica, and Blue Yarrow.
Black Pepper is a cleansing and vitamin-rich fruit with a lot of power. She addresses virus', stomach issues, liver and pancreas imbalances, body pain, urogenital and kidney needs, detoxification, and warming our chi. Energetically, Black Pepper is protective, empowering, and transformative. This amazing plant helps to support fearlessness and the endurance to hold our greatest dreams, personal visions, and higher aspirations so that we can follow through with manifesting them into our lives. Black Pepper clears negativity and promotes self-worth, courage, creativity, and doing the best that we can. As we open our 3rd eye, we can tap into that higher purpose that gives our lives deep meaning.
Ravensara Aromatica is an aromatic leaf and "cure all" to the local people of Madagascar. She is anti-viral and helps with swollen glands, digestion, respiration, water retention and urine flow, infections, insomnia, and nervous fatigue. She is also an amazing anti-depressant that helps to relieve stress, anxiety, and fear. In this "dog eat dog world", Ravensara Aromatica is supportive in helping one realize their true potential and feel competent to live it out loud. She is a great ally on the path to honoring oneself and following one's inner compass toward the path of destiny.
Blue Yarrow is an aromatic flower that has been used by our ancestors for more than 60,000 years. She is known as an "Herb of Opposites" because she is both cooling and warming, astringent and circulatory, drying and moisturizing, and stimulating yet regulating. Energetically, she helps to support us in trusting ourselves, taking risks, and living authentically no matter who approves or disapproves. Blue Yarrow helps us surrender the our higher self and allow the Divine to flow through us freely. She helps to strengthen our soul connection so that we can never be forced to be something or do something that is not in alignment.
All three of these amazing plants can be used together or separately. Five to ten drops of each over the heart, the 3rd eye, the nape of the neck, the solar plexus, and/or the bottoms of the feet daily for 120 days will help to support and promote one's personal and unique life journey and purpose. Set your intention, anoint with awareness and consciousness, and then let it all go to your higher self. As each of us merges with the soul and allows it to be the ultimate guide, we will be guided toward personal happiness, success, and prosperity, or better!