Happiness is a product of things working for us in our lives. We can achieve happiness when we feel a part of the whole, and in the flow with the natural rhythms of our living experiences. There is a natural energy that we can tap into as living beings. Nature is most connected in this flow of energy, and functions within it effortlessly. It is part of the natural rhythm that is one with the systems that create all of the cycles of life. Everything that functions in the flow of creation is part of this system. There are times that we feel a part of the whole, and there are times that we feel separated. The separation is just an illusion, as we are always connected. When we are challenged by life and not feeling in the flow of creation, we can tap into nature for support. The three essences we like to anoint to get us back into the flow of life are Blue Yarrow, Palmarosa, and Winter Savory.
Blue Yarrow is a perennial plant that has been used by our ancestors for over 60,000 years. She helps the skin and hair, arthritic conditions, pain, headaches, bladder and kidney infections, and men and women's reproductive health. Blue Yarrow is a wonderful supporter of self-realization, alignment with one's truth, and connecting with one's soul. She helps us allow the Light to flow through, surrender to our highest self, and not get stuck in a rut of stagnation. By leaning on trust and honoring our past experiences and traumas, we are able to flow with life's twists and turns without getting thrown off.
Palmarosa is a herbaceous grass that is used in both Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine. She is a stress-reliever, respiratory healer, and fever-breaker. As an anti-viral and anti-fungal medicine, Palmarosa stimulates circulation, addresses infections and cancers, and regenerates the skin. Energetically, she helps us learn how to go with the flow more by thinking outside the box, letting go of our limitations, and finding balance and harmony in all areas of our lives.
Winter Savory is a perennial used in foods and medicines all over the world. She is helpful in strengthening the entire body, and is rich in vitamins and minerals like potassium, iron, zinc, and vitamin C. Winter Savory is an immune system booster, pain reliever, and digestive healer. She teaches self-Love, forgiveness, self-acceptance, and feeling good enough. Winter Savory allows Love to flow in our lives. She helps to balance the chakras and she promotes freedom on all levels of reality.
For flow, Blue Yarrow and Palmarosa can be anointed onto the heart, the spine, the crown, the sacrum, and/or the bottoms of the feet (5-10 drops). Winter Savory is a hot essence and can be safely anointed onto the bottoms of the feet "neat". Any other body part would be too hot to anoint, unless anointing over two or more "cooler" essences by using the layering method. When used safely, these plants can help us create a frequency that keeps us in the flow of our highest good. With rhythm and flow, all good things may come to fruition.