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RaMa Holistic Care
RaMa Holistic Care is honored to share a weekly newsletter that we started when we first started our business in 2007. Enjoy this service and reach out should you wish to learn more. We teach this wisdom in workshops, trainings, and many other learning opportunities that we offer, and we look forward to serving your needs when the timing is right.

Spiritual Grace
The impossible arrives as a goal in sight, The paradox comes in letting go of the fight. Instead of pushing and trying to create change,...

Poem of the Week: Allowing Myself To Be...
Practicing mindfulness with each breath, Living life the fullest without fear of death. Peace in each moment by slowing down, Seeing the...

Poem of the Week: Communication Is Key...
The doorway between you and me, Loving communication is truly key. The lock was built from pain or hurt, Quieting down the extrovert....

Dream Your Dream & Create The Vision...
Imagine the wish that was granted, To grow the seeds you have planted. To be given a dream of 75 years, And live it fully without any...

Full Moon Transformation
Growing into who we really are, Reaching higher and going far. Hunter's Full Moon illuminating, Powerful endings are activating. Lunar...

Boundaries of Love...
Love has the grace to endure, Intentions so Divine and pure. How far do you let that Love run, Can it go deeper than laughs and fun? Will...

Restoring The Glow
That inner spark and Light so bright, Is fed by Truth during the darkest night. All the tests and trials of these times, Preparing us for...

Falling Out of Ancestral Patterns...
This Fall Season brings balance and grace, It's time to reflect the self-Love headspace. Watching the leaves fall to the ground, Working...

Harvest Moon of Autumn
Autumn blessings of changing seasons, Teaching the lessons of rhyme and reason. Leaves shifting colors & falling from trees, Seasonal...

The North Star of Love...
True North is the galaxy within the heart, The place inside where all life starts. It guided the soul to this Earthly plane, Whispering...

Distilling The Soul Essence...
Distilled in this Divine alchemy, Is a Love way beyond mortality. From doubt, confusion, and polarity, Is a shift that brings in clarity....

Union of Heart & Soul...
With everything in the world shifting, It is important to keep uplifting. Remembering the soul's purpose, Instead of engaging in the...

Vibes In Motion...
Positive vibes don't come with a mask, Seeing the Truth is an easy task. A vibe is authentic and pure in intent, It is not something to...

Guided Forward In Love...
Quiet the noise and close the doors, It's time to address what others ignore. A time to go inward for solitude, Praising the blessings in...

Turning A New Leaf...
Every period brings a new lesson, Addressing a deeper, inner question. Am I really where I need to be? Am I living my greatest destiny?...

A Devil In The Details...
Sun so brilliant, illuminating nature, Bright skies reflecting the Love of Creator. Grateful for the grace that's unfolding now, Every...

Lunar Illumination...
The womb of creation so calm and quiet, Inwardly reflective, dark, and private. Nurturing family, Love, and the home, Growing inwardly...

Beyond The Illusion..
Like a magician with tricks up his sleeve, Deception can catch some to believe. Our desire to think of only the good. Not wanting to see...

Oxen - The Humble Servant of Light...
As strong as an Ox and solid in form, This inner strength sets one up to perform. Overcoming the hardships and limitations, Determination...

2020 One
Two zero two zero came and is going, Sighing relief, our gratitude is overflowing. We were asked to change and shift our lives, The...
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