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RaMa Holistic Care
RaMa Holistic Care is honored to share a weekly newsletter that we started when we first started our business in 2007. Enjoy this service and reach out should you wish to learn more. We teach this wisdom in workshops, trainings, and many other learning opportunities that we offer, and we look forward to serving your needs when the timing is right.
Joshua's Corner: Rhythmic Chance...
We all have our fuse. How will you choose yours to use? We all are sharing the air. Will you still care? We all enter this life...
Joshua's Corner: Finding Grace...
When we can reflect back on every moment of our life through the eyes of unconditional love and laughter, when we truly realize that...
Joshua's Corner: Together is Better...
Blooming flowers are happy and light. They dance in the day and rest at night. Chirping birds preparing for the flight. Beautiful wings...
Joshua's Corner: Resilience of a Life...
Push and pull through the waves of time. We all realize, eventually, that we don't get out alive. Whether the lessons are upfront or...
Joshua's Corner: When In Rome...
Adaptable creative you. Wondering what next to do. Figuring out time and space. Singing, dancing, finding grace. Included in the mix a...
Joshua's Corner: Trust the Process...
Trust the process for the process is the journey. The journey begets the lessons as lessons turn into learning. Wisdom falls at the feet...
Joshua's Corner: LOVE...
There have been many poems, songs and speeches dedicated to love from all around the world. Love seems to be a common link that we humans...
Joshua's Corner: Generation Gap...
Between the extremes there is always a gap. The views we take as a youth are not necessarily the ways we will always perceive life....
Joshua's Corner: 8 Tips - Saturnian Advice...
1. Be kind. 2. Experience yourself. 3. Express your heart. 4. Clear your doubts. 5. Live one breath at a time. 6. Move slow and steady....
Joshua's Corner: The Most Amazing Thing...
You are the most amazing thing! You are the manifestation of Divine in physical. We are given the breath of life so we may inspire others...
Joshua's Corner: Open Heart, Thick Skin...
Living life in this day and age requires a few things. We must do our best in all situations to have an open heart. We must develop a...
Joshua's Corner: What Are You?...
Are you thoughts? Are you feelings? Are you nothing? Are you everything? Where did you find you heart? Where did you start? When will you...
Joshua's Corner: Life and You...
When you get to certain age or experience in life you realize that, "I don't know everything". When I was a teenager my mom used to say...
Joshua's Corner: Free & Willing...
On some level of your Be-ing you know your humble power. For lack of a better term, we are all "Gods children"- meaning we are...
Joshua's Corner: Light Decisions...
Moving forward in the Light, we are called to take flight. Feeling into the topic of Love, what we receive is exactly what we give....
Joshua's Corner: Embrace Your Love So Love Can Embrace Your World...
Love can be so obvious that it may knock you over at times. Love is the essence of  the soul. Love is always ready to forgive. Love is...
Joshua's Corner: Peace and Love...
Peace comes from within. Love is felt all around. Peace allows hope to grow. Love is always with you. Peace brings a smile. Love...
Joshua's Corner: Loving Inside...
Ups and downs... We all go through it. We all can empathize. We all face darkness. We all have the choice to rise. We must make lemonade...
Joshua's Corner: Creating with Love...
Uncertain times brings renewed faith in your own intuition. When you call upon your angels they will help with peaceful conviction....
Joshua's Corner: Choose Wisely...
Speaking truth in times of confusion. Left alone to draw our own conclusion. Pretending men fall down, so courageous women can rise up....
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