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RaMa Holistic Care
RaMa Holistic Care is honored to share a weekly newsletter that we started when we first started our business in 2007. Enjoy this service and reach out should you wish to learn more. We teach this wisdom in workshops, trainings, and many other learning opportunities that we offer, and we look forward to serving your needs when the timing is right.
2020 One
Two zero two zero came and is going, Sighing relief, our gratitude is overflowing. We were asked to change and shift our lives, The...
The Dream Is Alive In You...
Happy Winter Solstice! One of the most powerful weeks of the year, we are blessed with the darkness of inward reflection and the dream...
We Are Called
From the Sacred Lands that our ancestors walked to the concrete jungles we drive and navigate through today, we truly are the blessed...
Essence Challenge This Week...
We have been blessed to learn from some of the top perfumers, farmers, essential oil suppliers, and herbalists about how to blend...
Restaurant Serving Thousands of Free Meals to Homeless Is Saved by Donations from D.C. Community Reprinted from Good News Network...
Rituals bring our tribes all together, Holidays are celebrated in stormy weather. Love, family, tradition, and prayer, We find the time...
Forever Grateful
Gratitude is an attitude, just like positivity is a choice. Remember to keep breathing through all of life’s difficult points. Maybe...
Essence of the Week: Green Mandarin
Green Mandarin is a fruit grown on small evergreen trees in the tropics. They are green in color because they are the young fruit that...
What's the Function of this Planetary Conjunction...?
This week is the 51st week of the year (5 + 1 = 6), and 6 represents The Lovers in the major arcana of the tarot, and the planetary...
Inspiring Story Of The Week - December 14, 2020
This Irish Couple Built Homes for Their Employees, and It's Changed Their Lives Reprinted from Good News Network website... Like the song...
December brings blessings rare & unique, Positive energy is what all of us seek. A conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, Helping us to...
Universal Venus Period December 6th - January 26th
The Universal Venus Period is a 52-day cycle of art, Love, and play. This is an amazing time to hold a Zoom Holiday Party, watch movies,...
What Are Your Dreams?
Have you lived up to your childhood dreams? Have you taken chances that would make the 10 year-old you joyfully scream? Now is the time...
Essence of the Week: Blue Yarrow
Blue Yarrow is a perennial herb with beautiful white flowers from Hungary. Her royal blue color comes from azulene in the constituents...
Speak Love & Raise the Vibes...
This week is the 50th week of the year (5 + 0 = 5), and 5 represents The Hierophant in the major arcana of the tarot, and the planetary...
Inspiring Story Of The Week - December 8, 2020
A Rare 'Christmas Star' is Coming in December For The First Time in 800 Years Reprinted from Good News Network website... Look up at the...
So sweet and soft and warm and nice, Around the holidays it smells like spice. Candles and incense, fires and tea, Cuddled up to a movie...
Seed Sound For December: "Ong Ra Ma Ong"
"Ong Ra Ma Ong" is the seed sound for the month of December. This seed sound can be chanted any time of year, and during this month, it...
Divine Spiritual Wisdom, As TaughtBy Dr. Levry: Quotes & Insights December 2020
Divine Plane: Level of Thoughts, the Crown, and Higher Consciousness "You must take care of your mind. Every physical condition you have...
Mudra of the Month: Everlasting Youth & Vitality
Mudra means "To Please", and is a way to invoke the unseen forces for health and happiness. You can literally manifest your destiny with...
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