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RaMa Holistic Care
RaMa Holistic Care is honored to share a weekly newsletter that we started when we first started our business in 2007. Enjoy this service and reach out should you wish to learn more. We teach this wisdom in workshops, trainings, and many other learning opportunities that we offer, and we look forward to serving your needs when the timing is right.
Joshua's Corner: Loving Inside...
Ups and downs... We all go through it. We all can empathize. We all face darkness. We all have the choice to rise. We must make...
Poem of the Week: In The Darkness I See Clearly...
Solstice time offers the very longest night, Symbolizing transformation so we can take flight. Going deep inside to the darkest chambers,...
Universal Planetary Influence: Universal Venus Period: (December 6th - January 26th)...
The Universal Venus Period is a 52-day cycle that takes us into 2018 with the blessings of Love. Venus rules over the arts, music, dance,...
Honoring the States: The 49th State Admitted To The USA -Alaska...
The 49th state admitted to the US was Alaska, on January 3rd, 1959. The name "Alaska" comes from an Aleut word "alaxsxaq", which means...
Inspirational Story of the Week: Billions of People Could Benefit from This Breakthrough in Desalination That Ensures Freshwater for the World...
An Article By The Good News Network... A novel approach to making seawater evaporate faster has been hailed as a significant breakthrough...
Aromatherapy Share: Essences That Help Us Balance the Head and the Heart...
The head and the heart both serve vital roles in our existence. We need to use them both in balanced ways for our wellbeing. The head is...
Weekly Insights: Wish to the Wash - From the Head to the Heart...
Gemini's influence from Mercury is here this Full Moon to help us observe how the mind works with the heart to create our living reality...
Joshua's Corner: Creating with Love...
Uncertain times brings renewed faith in your own intuition. When you call upon your angels they will help with peaceful conviction. ...
Poem of the Week: Balancing Opposites...
Within every yang is always the yin, The end is revealed when we first begin. On vacation we try to manage our stress, Within every loss...
Elder Care Spotlight: Protein Alternatives For the Elderly...
Elderly people tend to eat much less than the younger generations. When their diet is not matching their body's needs for nutrients, then...
RaMa Mama Doula Share of the Month: What is Gestational Diabetes, and How Does It Manifest?...
Gestational diabetes happens to women who don't normally have diabetes, but find that their blood sugar levels are higher during...
Crystal of the Month: Zircon, Tanzanite, and Turquoise: December's Birthstones...
December enters with three birthstones that help to support all of the souls who incarnated this month. We have written about turquoise...
TCG Mantra of the Month: I Am That I Am...
Mantra: I Am I Am I Am That I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am That I Am Meaning: I Am One with God, the Divine Light. This is a pure connection to...
Mudra of the Month: Mudra For Letting Go of the "Ego"...
Mudra means "To Please", and is a way to invoke the unseen forces for health and happiness. You can literally manifest your destiny with...
Honoring The States: The 48th State Admitted to the US - Arizona...
The 48th state admitted to the US was Arizona, on February 14th, 1912. The name Arizona comes from a Spanish word, "Arizonac", which is...
Inspirational Story of the Week: First New Treatment in 50 Years for Asthma Attacks and COPD 'Could be a Game-Changer'...
An Article By The Good News Network... The first new treatment for asthma attacks in 50 years has been tested by British scientists. The...
Aromatherapy Share: Essences That Help During Transitions of Death and Rebirth...
As natural as transitions are in our lives, they can be the most difficult changes to go through and process. Whether it is the death of...
Weekly Insights: Natural Cycles of Death and Rebirth...
Do we really only have this one life, or do we have many lives within this physical incarnation? Looking back, we can see that we were...
Joshua's Corner: The Do's...
Do more exercise. Do more art. Do more music. Do listen to your heart. Do less TV. Do less complaining. Do less stress-you know it is...
Poem of the Week: Choosing Happiness...
Creating happiness through death and rebirth, Every cycle helping me value my worth. My happiness comes through desire and action, Living...
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