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RaMa Holistic Care
RaMa Holistic Care is honored to share a weekly newsletter that we started when we first started our business in 2007. Enjoy this service and reach out should you wish to learn more. We teach this wisdom in workshops, trainings, and many other learning opportunities that we offer, and we look forward to serving your needs when the timing is right.
Poem of the Week: Live It, Be It, Just Be...
Attitudes and beliefs take shape and form, When we own our reality it shifts and transforms. Instead of yelling it loud for all to hear,...
Poem of the Week: Solstice Reflections
Another year and cycle of time, Brings perspective so sublime. Learning, growing, expanding inward, Going inside and feeling wintered....
Trusting in the "I Am"
The experience was real & profound, I prayed about it in order to ground. It was real to me in and the life I live, It took me time, but...
Poem of the Week: Communication Is Key...
The doorway between you and me, Loving communication is truly key. The lock was built from pain or hurt, Quieting down the extrovert....
Poem Of The Week
Eclipsing In Change... Eclipsing the Sun with the Moon, Inner and outer worlds are in tune. Those old ideas we once believed, May not be...
Poem of the Week: Grateful For The Strong Ones...
As a family of humans on the Earth, We teach each other value and worth. Duality shows the misuse of power, Spirit humbles the ego's...
Eclipse It, Let It Go...
The past six months have brought in, Transformation for the new to begin. Some was joyful and some held pain, It all had to happen to...
Dream Your Dream & Create The Vision...
Imagine the wish that was granted, To grow the seeds you have planted. To be given a dream of 75 years, And live it fully without any...
Lunar Waters of the Sea
Sitting on a rock in front of her vastness, Gazing at the sea as a oneness practice. Each wave a unique design of her beauty, Driving in...
School of Self-Love...
Why do we learn and study so hard? What is gained from a perfect report card? Is what we are learning making us better? Or feeding the...
Full Moon Transformation
Growing into who we really are, Reaching higher and going far. Hunter's Full Moon illuminating, Powerful endings are activating. Lunar...
Boundaries of Love...
Love has the grace to endure, Intentions so Divine and pure. How far do you let that Love run, Can it go deeper than laughs and fun? Will...
Restoring The Glow
That inner spark and Light so bright, Is fed by Truth during the darkest night. All the tests and trials of these times, Preparing us for...
Falling Out of Ancestral Patterns...
This Fall Season brings balance and grace, It's time to reflect the self-Love headspace. Watching the leaves fall to the ground, Working...
Harvest Moon of Autumn
Autumn blessings of changing seasons, Teaching the lessons of rhyme and reason. Leaves shifting colors & falling from trees, Seasonal...
The North Star of Love...
True North is the galaxy within the heart, The place inside where all life starts. It guided the soul to this Earthly plane, Whispering...
Distilling The Soul Essence...
Distilled in this Divine alchemy, Is a Love way beyond mortality. From doubt, confusion, and polarity, Is a shift that brings in clarity....
Union of Heart & Soul...
With everything in the world shifting, It is important to keep uplifting. Remembering the soul's purpose, Instead of engaging in the...
To See Or Not To See, It Is All Divine...
Eyes like sunshines illuminate our vision, The Universe works with exact precision. Testing us to see how we will react, Observing...
Jumping In & Out...
Lesson both in the classroom and out, So much to learn, there is no doubt. What is the meaning of this or that, In the debate that the...
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