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RaMa Holistic Care
RaMa Holistic Care is honored to share a weekly newsletter that we started when we first started our business in 2007. Enjoy this service and reach out should you wish to learn more. We teach this wisdom in workshops, trainings, and many other learning opportunities that we offer, and we look forward to serving your needs when the timing is right.
RaMa Mama Doula Share: Yoni Steaming - What & Why?...
Yoni Steaming, or vaginal steaming, dates back many centuries to ancient civilizations' rituals, and is currently practiced all around...
RaMa Mama Doula Share of the Month: What is Gestational Diabetes, and How Does It Manifest?...
Gestational diabetes happens to women who don't normally have diabetes, but find that their blood sugar levels are higher during...
RaMa Mama Doula Share of the Month: Postpartum Depression Insights...
Postpartum Depression is a serious mental health issue that can manifest in sadness, anxiety, insomnia, or irritability. It can be caused...
RaMa Mama Doula Share: What is the "Apgar Score", and Why is it Important?...
Virginia Apgar developed a scoring system for a newborn baby's first "tests", or Apgars in 1952. These tests are performed on the baby at...
RaMa Mama - Doula Share of the Month: What is "Back Labor" & How Can It Be Supported During Birth?
Back labor is intense lower back pain that begins during labor itself. During labor, women are all experiencing discomfort with...
RaMa Mama - Doula Share of the Month: Why Waiting To Give Baby's First Bath is Best...
Vernix caseosa is a creamy, white, natural biofilm that covers the skin of a fetus during the third trimester of pregnancy. In Latin,...
RaMa Mama - Doula Share of the Month: The 5-5-5 Guide To Postpartum...
A 26-year-old new mother got on Reddit and posted about the "555" rule she created in order to have healthy boundaries as she healed...
RaMa Mama Doula Share: Essential Oils That Support Childbirth, Labor, and Delivery...
Every birth is different, and every mother is different. What makes one mother feel safe and comfortable may make another mother anxious...
RaMa Mama Doula Share of the Month: Water Birth - The Pros and Cons...
Many mothers dream about their ideal way to give birth, and one of the most popular responses is a water birth. When watching birthing...
RaMa Mama: Doula Share of the Month - The Power of the Placenta...
Once the egg is fertilized by the sperm, the placenta is the first organ to develop. A few days after fertilization, the cells of the...
RaMa Mama - Doula Share of the Month: Zygote, Embryo, Fetus, Infant - When Does a Cluster of Cells Become A Baby?...
The topic of women's reproductive health and childbirth is a hot one in the US right now because of both the overturn of Roe vs Wade, and...
RaMa Mama - Doula Share of the Month: To Tear Naturally or Get An Episiotomy, That Is The Question...
An episiotomy is a surgical cut made at the vaginal opening during childbirth in order to help support the delivery of the baby when...
RaMa Mama - Doula Share of the Month: Surrogacy: How, Why, and What is It?...
Surrogacy comes in two different forms - surrogates and gestational surrogates. It involves intended parents (or a single parent) and a...
RaMa Mama Doula Share: Pro's and Con's of a Vegan Diet During Pregnancy...
When it comes to pregnancy and what is "best" for each mother, there are a lot of different opinions. However, research has shown that...
RaMa Mama Monthly Doula Share: "Grandma's Secrets" To Determine the Sex of a Child...
Since humans have been giving birth, there have been stories, advice, and tips passed down from generation to generation. Some have been...
RaMa Mama Doula Share: Pregnancy Due Dates - Are They Accurate?...
After missing a menstrual cycle, women can find out they are pregnant, but can they find out exactly when they conceived? How do doctors...
RaMa Mama Monthly Doula Share: Question: Should I Circumcise My Child?...
Parents have many difficult choices to make from the first day their baby is born. One of the most challenging decisions for boy parents...
RaMa Mama Monthly Doula Share: Prenatal Vitamins...
When a woman finds out she is pregnant, one of the first things that is suggested to do is take a daily prenatal vitamin. Since there are...
RaMa Mama Monthly Doula Share: Oral Hygiene for Babies...
Adult humans have to brush their teeth, floss, and brush their tongues twice a day, at least. So when did we start doing this? Here is...
RaMa Mama: Why Should I Sleep On My Left Side?...
When a woman finds out she is pregnant for the first time, she is very cautious and careful to make sure that she does everything to help...
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