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RaMa Holistic Care
RaMa Holistic Care is honored to share a weekly newsletter that we started when we first started our business in 2007. Enjoy this service and reach out should you wish to learn more. We teach this wisdom in workshops, trainings, and many other learning opportunities that we offer, and we look forward to serving your needs when the timing is right.

Weekly Insights: Fresh Eyes (Part 2)...
Do you ever stop and look at something you see everyday, and notice something you have never seen before? Have you ever slowed down when...

Inspirational Story of the Week: The Science on CBD for Pets: Scientists Hope it Can Help 4-Legged Patients with Arthritis, Allergies and Anxiety...
An Article By The Good News Network... Though studies are still mixed, and products inconsistent, many scientists have hope that...

Weekly Insights: Fresh Eyes...
What would the world look like if we could approach it with fresh eyes? Do you ever notice how excited we are when we first enter a new...

Inspirational Story of the Week: Majestic Sei Whales Reappear in Argentine Waters After Nearly a Century...
An Article By The Good News Network... GNN has reported several times over the last three years about large baleen whales returning to...

Weekly Insights: Inner World Peace = Outer Release...
What do we yearn for so deeply? World peace? Inner peace? "The World" is our reflection, so instead of complaining about what we don't...

Inspirational Story of the Week: Locals Finally Save 'the Yosemite of South America' After A Decade Long Battle with Industrialist Who Owned It...
An Article By The Good News Network... A wonderful story comes to us now from Patagonia where a valley of towering granite cliffs and...

Weekly Insights: Imagine If...
Using our imagination is so important to creating in this lifetime. It is what gives life meaning and helps us to explore the many depths...

Inspirational Story of the Week: Scientists Are Making Jet Fuel from Landfill Gas Aiming to Launch Circular Economy...
An Article By The Good News Network... In a world-first, University of Sydney researchers have developed a chemical process using plasma...

Weekly Insights: Grounding In To Hope...
This New Moon highlights areas in our lives that are needing to be restored back to harmony. There has been a "cosmic quake" in the...

Inspirational Story of the Week: Florida Teen Wins Prestigious Carnegie Award and Full-Ride Scholarship After Daring Rescue...
An Article By The Good News Network... From Lantana, Florida comes the story of a courageous teenager who rescued a woman adrift in the...

Weekly Insights: Don't Compromise Yourself, Just Compromise Together...
Janis Joplin once said, "Don't compromise yourself. You're all you've got." This week takes an introspective turn with the energies and...

Inspirational Story of the Week: Exercise Cuts Heart Disease Risk by 23% with Benefits Doubling for Those with Depression...
An Article By The Good News Network... Regular exercise can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease by as much as a quarter, in part by...

Weekly Insights: Waning with Breakthroughs, Breakdowns, and Endings...
We are great works in progress, constantly clearing the old and building anew. The Moon has shifted to Full, and we are waning for the...

Inspirational Story of the Week: EPA Limits Carcinogenic Emissions at 218 US Plants - Including Louisiana's 'Cancer Alley'...
An Article By The Good News Network... The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a rule Tuesday that will require 218 chemical...

Weekly Insights: The Earth Grows With Us...
Earth Day always brings up the topic of vulnerability because nature is vulnerable to humans. Animals, plants, and most of the natural...

Inspirational Story of the Week: Incredible 60% of Europe's Electricity Was Powered by Clean Energy in the First Two Months of 2024...
An Article By The Good News Network... According to an energy think tank, Europe’s generation of 516.5 terawatt hours of renewable...

Weekly Insights: In "The Closet" of Our Lives...
Reflecting on the Solar Eclipse, I had an emotional reaction to this phenomena. As it was happening, I found myself tearing up and...

Inspirational Story of the Week: "The Largest Environmental Restoration in History" Continues to Restart the Heart of the Everglades...
An Article By The Good News Network... 24 years ago, a fledging Good News Network reported on a vote in Congress to restore the Florida...

Weekly Insights: Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse...
We are officially in the first eclipse season of 2024. This is the first big change of the year, allowing us to cut out the toxic...

Inspiring Story of the Week: Broadcasting Audio of Healthy Reef Sounds Can Spur Degraded Coral to New Life...
An Article By The Good News Network... A reef that has been degraded—whether by coral bleaching or disease—can’t support the same...
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