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RaMa Holistic Care
RaMa Holistic Care is honored to share a weekly newsletter that we started when we first started our business in 2007. Enjoy this service and reach out should you wish to learn more. We teach this wisdom in workshops, trainings, and many other learning opportunities that we offer, and we look forward to serving your needs when the timing is right.
Joshua's Corner: Missteps To Opportunity
Calm, cool, collective and clear. The things we avoid will always reappear. Our missteps in life are key opportunities to reflect. No...
Joshua's Corner: TRUST
As adults, each moment we trust is a gift. When we are young, we trusted. We trusted our elders to teach us the rights and the wrongs…...
Joshua's Corner: Illuminate The Path
After it all is said and done, is it worth the discord and angst? Is arguing with a stranger making the world a better place? Does...
Joshua's Corner
Meditate Sit and listen. Be still for a moment. Sit and listen. Reach a logical conclusion. Sit and listen. Be vulnerable to yourself....
Joshua's Corner: Sunset Soul
When I see the sunset my soul recalls the millions of magical vistas witnessed before. From each breath we are given a gift of connection...
Joshua's Corner
The Wonder of Life We are in the midst of magic all around. Your soul knows the beat of your heart sound. The physical eye is catching...
Joshua's Corner: Fabric of our Soul
The most amazing place to be is right here. The best time to be in is right now. The company we keep, the places we go, and the food we...
Joshua's Corner: Inner Process & Outer Reflections
No matter what stage of life you are in, we can only do our best to be our most authentic self. The thing about understanding ourself is...
Joshua's Corner: Lighten the Load...
Is it me, or are we being called to let the physical, mental and emotional baggage go? I feel like we are each uniquely being prepared...
Joshua's Corner: Beyond Limitations
Flying inside of your dreaming mind is the heart expression from Divine. The heart is guided by ancient wisdom and subtle voices of trust...
Joshua's Corner: Empty, Yet Full
There is an unseen mystical connection that assists in opposite attraction. What is perceived as different is actually similar upon...
Joshua's Corner: Living
Lots of people say how you should live life. Lots of people think you need something in order to be happy. Lots of people project as if...
Joshua's Corner: Focus on Your Good, Focus on Your Goal...
Unseen distraction comes to disrupt the natural flow Remember that you and I are miracles from head to toe. Learning to be grateful for...
Joshua's Corner: The Next Step...
Believe in the next-step. The more you believe the less you guess. Serenely, you figure out your path. Confidently, advancing with each...
Joshua's Corner: Our Place
Every step we make is infinite reality. Viewing the self, one with all. The rise eventually follows the fall. Change is tangible within...
Joshua's Corner: Another Dream Reality...
Lifetimes of experience distilled in this reality. Rising higher into ethereal love. We unite in joy. Together we are better. Peace, Joshua
Joshua's Corner: Loving Nature...
Loving nature is truly loving yourself. Loving your past is forgiving the past. Loving the present is the key to happiness. Loving your...
Joshua's Corner: The Magic of Now
The magic of NOW can be surreal at moments yet compels the soul to experience new dynamics and perspectives. By opening the heart more...
Joshua's Corner: Unfettered Love
Far out in the forests and Away from the bustling city noise, You find a friendly place Full of nature’s toys. The distractions and...
Joshua's Corner:
Change of Pace... So many are running around aimlessly from A to B, While others offer up the illusion of solace, but only for those who...
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