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RaMa Holistic Care
RaMa Holistic Care is honored to share a weekly newsletter that we started when we first started our business in 2007. Enjoy this service and reach out should you wish to learn more. We teach this wisdom in workshops, trainings, and many other learning opportunities that we offer, and we look forward to serving your needs when the timing is right.
Joshua's Corner: Invincible Connections...
Our thoughts are connected. Our emotions are connected. We are connected via breathing. We are connected when dreaming. This entire thing...
Joshua's Corner: In Love With Love...
Love is fluid, not complex. Love is inside, so I must reflect. No matter the distraction I am choosing love unconditionally. Stepping in...
Joshua's Corner: Hugs...
Mystic questions and standard dreams. Life is not exactly what you and I were taught to see. One generation caught in great wars, The...
Joshua's Corner: Our Steps...
Walking the path of our ancestors. Whispering their prayers. Our steps lead us to our daily behaviors. When the time is right we all...
Joshua's Corner: Sadly the Same...
Guns equal freedom, ha, only if you are densely delusional or damningly dreaming. Personally, I am tired of passive-aggressive, insecure,...
Joshua's Corner: Peace & Love...
Peace comes from within. Love is felt all around. Peace allows hope to grow. Love is always with you. Peace brings a smile. Love...
Joshua's Corner: Review & Release...
There are points in life when we must review various aspects of our experiences and relations. How we have grown and with whom is...
Joshua's Corner: Angel Overtime...
Sometimes I know my angels are working overtime. They surely help me stop on a dime. This comfort is felt from my soul to my mind. The...
Joshua's Corner: An Open Mind Shines Like A Star...
Push, pull, twist and bend. The virtues of an open mind is often said. Inner strength, balance and charisma with outward innocent...
Joshua's Corner: Celebrate the Good...
We are called to be resilient and confident. We are called to be true to our heart. This is a season of celebrations and reflection....
Joshua's Corner: A Curious Fascination...
We humans have a curious fascination with temporary things. Like traffic, waiting in lines and holding on to old feelings. We can run...
Joshua's Corner: Reprise of Truth...
When the road seems to be at the end of the block. And all your friends are telling you to stop. Just one last dip into the old hat. It...
Joshua's Corner: Climbing Obstacles...
Did you ever wonder how it felt to be someone else? Have you ever felt like you were searching, only to return to yourself? Climbing...
Joshua's Corner: Grace In Gratitude...
In grace we find the pathway to freedom. Freedom is always attainable in any situation. To find this out from the stumbling blocks that...
Joshua's Corner: A Life of Lessons...
Flying by, time wanders off with the breeze. Leaving us to wonder if it all was just a tease. Transcending generations the inevitable...
Joshua's Corner: The Real...
To be real is to accept hard truths. To be real is to sometimes agree to disagree. To be real is to always learn. To be real is a choice....
Joshua's Corner: Make The Journey Your Quest...
Express your heart in productive ways, Carry yourself with dignity and grace. Up against a wall? No worries, you won't fall. The moment...
Joshua's Corner: Divine Love...
In everyday co-create happiness, truth and understanding. Be the best you can truly be. No one can stop a loving heart on the mission...
Joshua's Corner: Moss & Stone...
From beginning to end we are learning and growing. From beginning to end we must trust life’s flowing. We are mostly taught to be kind...
Joshua's Corner: Responsible Well-BEing...
We are responsible for our own well-being. The tide we ride is always changing. Tune in to the universal rhythm and flow with the...
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